"The EDUBOT platform is a distinctive tool in the educational market for learning mathematics. We are not aware of any other tool like it." unanimously stated the teachers, students, and parents who participated in the pilot testing of the Erasmus+ project in Poland, titled EDUBOT - "Developing Key Competences Through Blended-Learning Methodology Based on AI-Supported Chatbot Technology".

The ADN Institute, in collaboration with the General Władysław Anders Primary School in Nowe, Primary School No. 1 in Krośniewice, and the Elementarz Foundation Primary School with Kindergarten Department in Jankowice, conducted the pilot testing of the EDUBOT platform. The focus was on its adaptive online learning methodology and the "Eighth Graders' Exam" course. Schools from small towns and rural areas were invited to participate, where students often have fewer opportunities to enhance their mathematical skills due to geographic, economic, and technological constraints.
The pilot testing took place from January 2024 to June 2024 and involved school principals and four teachers directly. A total of 102 seventh and eighth grade students, who were preparing for their final exams, participated in the testing. In total 10 mathematics course was tested by a group of at least 15 students.
The topics included: Properties of numbers, Powers with rational bases, Roots, Percentages, Algebraic expressions and equations, Word problems including percentages and proportional division, Planimetry, Stereometry, Introduction to combinatorics and probability theory, applications of mathematics including reading graphs and elements of descriptive statistics.
The pilot was based on both linear paths (repeating the material) and adaptive paths, which adjusted to the individual needs of each student. If a student solved a task incorrectly, they were placed on a lower level and received support through video or text format hints, along with additional tasks to practice. Students who solved tasks correctly were advanced to higher levels and earned prizes.
The pilot confirmed that EDUBOT is a necessary and effective tool for preparing students for the eighth-grade exam, thus improving their chances of continuing their education in their desired schools and careers.
Almost 90% of students reported that they enjoyed learning with EDUBOT and found it brought measurable results. The auxiliary tasks were particularly useful. Students who actively participated in the course noticed significant improvements in their trial test results. Thanks to the interactive materials and the ability to practice various tasks, students better understood difficult mathematical concepts. Nearly 100% of students improved their mathematical skills.
A major advantage of the EDUBOT platform is its free access. Students could use the full range of educational materials at no cost, which is especially important for families with limited financial resources.
Parents of students participating in the pilot also rated the EDUBOT platform highly. They appreciated being able to track their children's progress and the availability of valuable educational materials.
Teachers' recommendations clearly demonstrate the high value and usefulness of the EDUBOT tool:
Aleksandra Antoniewicz, a teacher from the school in Nowe, said, "The EDUBOT platform is an exceptional educational tool. First of all, the platform is free, and for ambitious students who show willingness and interest in the subject, it is a great tool for deepening and consolidating their knowledge and skills. This platform is not a game or entertainment for children. A student will not achieve good results by just clicking randomly or guessing answers. The student needs to be able to analyze tasks, draw conclusions, and think logically. It is obvious that students who have difficulties with math sometimes gave up, and it was necessary to additionally motivate them and provide online explanations. Some of the tasks are taken from previous exam papers, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the format of these tasks and face their solutions."
Arkadiusz Sochala, a teacher from a school in Krośniewice, noted, "Parents expressed very positive opinions about the platform. All of them agreed to their children's participation in the pilot and encouraged them to work systematically on the platform. They were grateful for the opportunity to use the tool for free, especially since many parents are not able to help their children learn mathematics on their own or provide them with tutoring."
Tomasz Marciniak, a teacher from the school in Jankowice, added, "Despite the different abilities and skills of the students, the EDUBOT platform made the students eager to use it. They were motivated by the teachers and parents to get involved. I think this platform can be a great solution for homeschooled students, where parents often look for interesting solutions that improve their children's math skills and help them learn. The pre-test and post-test showed that students, despite their diverse skills and knowledge in math, made significant progress. All students made progress in their studies to a greater or lesser extent, demonstrating that such a platform is a very effective tool for students."
Katarzyna Miziołek, a teacher from the school in Krośniewice, shared, "Students who took part in the project rated it highly. Eighth-grade students were able to review math content before the exam. Thanks to the variety of tasks, they could consolidate topics that were difficult for them. It is also important that exam tasks were available, allowing them to become familiar with the specifics of these tasks. Seventh-grade students reviewed topics they had learned at school, consolidated their knowledge and skills, and became familiar with new topics they would encounter in eighth grade. Thanks to this project, math classes will be easier for them next year. I believe that the project is valuable. Spread over a longer period of time, it will allow students who care about gaining knowledge and mathematical skills to improve them. The eighth-grade math exam is always challenging for students; thanks to this project, they can better prepare for it."
Conclusions and Recommendations
The pilot of the EDUBOT platform, the adaptive learning methodology, and the "Eighth Grader's Exam in Mathematics" course was successful, confirming that it is an effective tool supporting students in learning mathematics and preparing for exams. Thanks to the involvement of teachers, students, and parents, EDUBOT has become an important element of the modern education system, offering free access to valuable educational resources.
Based on the pilot results, it can be concluded that the EDUBOT platform is a very necessary and effective tool for supporting students in learning mathematics. Interactive lessons, a rich database of tasks, and the ability to monitor students' progress make this a solution that should be used more widely by students and teachers.